Artificial Intelligence RhoFold+: A large language model for RNA structure prediction Can LLMs predict RNA structures?
RNA Direct RNA sequencing might tell us about more than just the bases Post-transcriptional modifications: Why sequencing RNA directly is the future of transcriptomics
RNA Don't let highly expressed transcripts get the best of your RNA-seq dataset Whole transcriptome sequencing AKA RNA-seq: The good, the bad, the dynamic range?
RNA Bridge RNAs are here to take CRISPR's crown Move over CRISPR, bridge RNAs are here to make the precision genome edits that you can't.
DNA The 2-D structure of tRNA was solved in 1965, its solver probably isn't someone you've heard of before The next great mystery to solve after the discovery of the DNA double helix was to figure out how the nucleotide sequence coded for proteins.
RNA That beating sensation you feel in your chest is the product of billions of cells working together to pump blood throughout your body. Ever get lost in your own heart? Have no fear, there's a new atlas for that!
Genomic Sequencing Why Transcriptomes are sometimes more useful than Whole Genomes Transcriptomes: Underappreciated, underutilized, and sometimes more useful than WGS.