RNA Don't let highly expressed transcripts get the best of your RNA-seq dataset Whole transcriptome sequencing AKA RNA-seq: The good, the bad, the dynamic range?
Paid-members only Genomic Sequencing After 13 years, Illumina's 'little sequencer that could' has been replaced by a bigger, faster sibling
High-Throughput Sequencing Checking your metrics is an important piece of the sequencing process High throughput sequencing metrics: Don't be a monster, review them before sending data to the triage team.
Genomic Sequencing Son of a Bias, why does my sequencing dataset look like trash? High throughput sequencing: Biases and how they can get the best of you and your data
High-Throughput Sequencing Being accurate about sequencing accuracy High throughput sequencing metrics: Let’s be accurate about accuracy.
Paid-members only Genomic Sequencing Oxford Nanopore says that the short-read vs long-read conversation is pointless because they can do both
DNA Featured What came first, DNA methylation or the variant? DNA sequence variants can change more than just the properties of the proteins that genes code for, they can also change what proteins get expressed!
Genomic Sequencing Everything you ever wanted to know about cluster based and single-molecule sequencing Clusters vs single molecules in DNA sequencing: Here’s the short and the long of it.
Genomics Why short-read sequencing can't ever get us a 'whole genome' Short-reads miss things, or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the long-read.
Genomic Sequencing Frederick Sanger sequenced the first DNA genome, he didn't use 'Sanger Sequencing' to do it Frederick Sanger invented a famous DNA sequencing method. It's not the one pictured below (which he also invented).
Genomic Sequencing Counting the things short-reads are good for What's the point of short-reads if long-reads do basically everything in genomics better? There are five, FIVE, *thunderclap*, applications where short reads excel, ah, ah, ah!
Genomic Sequencing Sequencing libraries and strategies for doing quality control You can't do sequencing without libraries. But you don't know if you have libraries unless you look at them.
RNA Bridge RNAs are here to take CRISPR's crown Move over CRISPR, bridge RNAs are here to make the precision genome edits that you can't.
Paid-members only Start-Upomics Who's prioritizing bringing the next generation of sequencing technology to the clinic? The answer might surprise you.
Paid-members only Genomic Sequencing Spatial omics (and other creative applications) might give that dying NovaSeq of yours a second life!
Paid-members only Genomic Sequencing Featured Quest Diagnostics has made some moves in an attempt to become a major player in high throughput genomics
Genomic Sequencing Commercial industrial engineering is the savior of high-throughput genomics We ‘completed’ the human genome in 2003, thanks mostly to commercial industrial engineering.
Paid-members only Genomic Sequencing Featured Illumina ruffled some feathers this week with a video appeal to moderate sized "core labs"
Genomic Sequencing The human genome sequence is finally (almost) totally complete. The pesky Y chromosome was the last hold-out! The human Y-chromosome has finally been fully sequenced! No, seriously this time, the genome is actually finished now, maybe.
Proteomics Protein sequencing is the latest cutting edge technique in our proteomics toolkit Protein sequencing is the latest cutting edge technique in our proteomics toolkit. But when will it be ready for primetime?
Genomic Sequencing Why Transcriptomes are sometimes more useful than Whole Genomes Transcriptomes: Underappreciated, underutilized, and sometimes more useful than WGS.
Paid-members only Genomics Featured With the FDA setting up camp in LDT-ville, which sequencing companies are best suited to help labs transition to IVDs?